Friday, May 2, 2008

The Wolf

I wholeheartedly agree with this bit of brilliance from Betsy Reed and The Nation. As Hillary Clinton draws closer to forcing herself onto the ticket we must remember her myriad of sins these last few months. They should never be forgotten, forgiven, or condoned. Too many times the campaign has cried wolf about sexism—reducing the impact of actual instances. She stands poised to overtake Obama not because she is more qualified, not because she is a fighter, and not because of any policy difference between them. This race is where it is because Barack Obama has been reduced to being the “black candidate” and the Clintons culpability in that should be remembered by Democrats everywhere—as should the fact that Hillary cast herself as a victim at every turn along the way.

To further bolster what Reed is saying, consider this: Clinton walloped Obama here in Massachusetts, winning on February 5th by double digits…but she was able to carry neither Wellesley nor Northampton. The next generation of brilliant women are going to do just fine for themselves.

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