Sunday, May 25, 2008

Ugly Read

Here we have Senator Hillary Clinton, in her own words, on why she is still in this race. And, not surprisingly, “I’m waiting for my black opponent to get killed by one of the racist shitheads who voted for me in West Virginia” is not at the top of the list. But whether or not she is admitting it to herself—and it very well may be completely unspoken and even subconscious—it is there on her mind. If you are still supporting this person then you need to ask yourself why. She is undeserving of the Presidency and has been since the beginning of this campaign. If the unthinkable should happen to Barack Obama then the Democratic Party should turn to Al Gore or John Edwards, not Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Question: Can anyone point out where in this article she apologizes to Senator Obama for insinuating that his death would be good for her campaign?

Sorry. Trick question. You cannot because she does not.

She apologizes to the Kennedys, who most likely have more than enough on their collective plates this weekend already, but not to her opponent. And in refusing to offer an apology to the man most deserving of one she has the audacity to insinuate that it is she who has yet again been victimized, this time by those who would take her comments out of context—despite the video evidence that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt what she said, why she said it, and what she meant.

Barack Obama has a run a brilliant campaign, an honorable campaign, and a winning campaign. He is the presumptive and rightful nominee. He should not be forced to take on a VP with the baggage of Hillary Clinton, who lacks so many of the basic decencies as Hillary Clinton, and who has now openly pondered his death as political benefit, as has Hillary Clinton.

Can we really trust her to be a heartbeat away?


Worth ten minutes of your life:

Keith Olbermann gave yet another brilliant “Special Comment” Friday night on this very issue. Olbermann is quickly becoming the very best at what he does.

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