Thursday, October 2, 2008

A Good Baseball Read

My man Bill Simmons offers up a unique look at the departure of Manny Ramirez from Boston and the Red Sox lineup. Simmons has a writing style that is all his own, to be sure, but what makes this piece stand out is the position he takes:

He defends Manny.

I know, I know, this is crazy talk. How could anyone possibly? He was a cancer who didn’t respect this town, his teammates, or the game, right? Right?

Maybe. I’m never one to play the “blame the agent” card, because if watching Entourage has taught me anything it is that the agent, in the end, works for the client. Scott Boras is scum (to put it mildly) and Manny is naïve (to put it lightly) but the slugger doesn’t quite deserve the pass Simmons gives him here.

But maybe, just maybe, Manny didn’t deserve quite everything that was written in the Boston Herald or said on WEEI during his final days at Fenway either.

The article can be found here.

(Be sure to read the footnotes. They may just be the best part.)

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